Making The Connections That Matter

Meet those who have paved their own way through Tech

Degree: B.S. Double Major in Labor & Employment Relations and Information Technology & Informatics

Certification: Azure Fundamentals, AWS Cloud Practitioner, Azure Administrator, 3x Cloud Health Certified, Information Technology Infrastructure Library 4: Foundation

Expertise: Cloud Technology (Governance, Marketplace, Operations), Cloud Operations Automation, Automation for Business, AI

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How did you find your place in Tech?

I always asked others in the field what they like/dislike about their role. After hearing their opinions, I'd study on my own with free online resources.

Any tips for newcomers to Tech?

Build a network, those classmates you're in a group project with will be peers and colleagues. Don't waste the opportunity you have to learn from the experts when they're available. 

If possible, find someone who is willing to give you direct guidance on your interests.

What's one challenge that turned out to be easier than you initially believed it to be?

Certifications, once I found out about the reimbursement policy there was no stopping me. Even if you can't afford the certification itself, the resources are typically free. There are no excuses if you're hard working it will show.

Women in Tech

Everyone's story is unique from degrees & certifications to self-taught experience. 

Gain insight into the field from those who have built their own lane into the Tech industry.

Connected in Tech

Hear from PoC who have followed a more traditional path into Tech. 

Degrees and certifications are not required, but their consistent quality of work and expertise deserve recognition.