Connect & Collaborate to Close the Gap

With the Tech industry growing, the knowledge gap continues to widen without a way to connect interests with hands-on experience. 

Many of us know someone “in Tech” but what does this mean, let's find out!

How will you answer the following questions:

How We Accomplish This

During your scheduled Introductory session you will learn which Cloud may best fit your needs while preparing you to ease into Cloud tech. This session will cover the terminology of Cloud Infrastructure using examples from everyday use cases.

Setting up a Cloud environment with little to no experience may be challenging, we’re here to help by providing test environments managed in-house.

Cloud Challenges are developed to give beginners a way to ease into direct Cloud Infrastructure deployments.

Connect, Deploy and Govern resources that provide the computing power to get the job done. Socially, for business, or simply for that personal project you’ve been waiting to launch.


Being no stranger to community service, we are here to assist and make the connections whenever possible. Internships are available for that first step gaining hands-on experience.

Using our network of industry subject matter experts we aim to prove Tech isn’t solely for the computer savvy group you may be visualizing. 

Through contributions we will continue providing free services to students and support the business needs for innovation. Ask about our Contribution Match program in which we will also donate funds towards maintaining free program options and hardware purchases for those in need.

Additional Services Reviewed by Request

While advancing through our careers in Tech, we’ve never lost interest in day to day technology use. 

We’re here to assist with general consultation: